Jitterbit Marketplace recipes and templates
Jitterbit Marketplace provides different assets for the creation of Jitterbit Integration Studio projects. These pages describe how to prepare these assets and how to submit them for inclusion at Jitterbit Marketplace.
These pages assume that you are familiar with Jitterbit, Integration Studio, and Jitterbit Marketplace, and use terms defined in the Jitterbit Integration Studio and Marketplace documentation. See those documents or the links in these documents if you are unfamiliar with the terms used here.
Available Marketplace Assets
Currently, these two types of assets are available:
Integration recipes: Integration Studio integration recipes are single, pre-built integration projects that move data in one direction between objects across two applications or systems. Integration recipes are available to all Harmony subscribers through Jitterbit Marketplace.
See Integration recipes for details on how to prepare an integration project as an integration recipe for inclusion at Jitterbit Marketplace.
Process templates: Integration Studio process templates, available through Jitterbit Marketplace, are pre-built integration use cases that execute a specific business process using objects across multiple applications or systems.
A process template consists of one or more projects using multiple endpoints, may include customization files, and requires its own documentation in PDF format. For best practice guidance and recommendations for designing process templates, see Process Template Best Practices.
See Process templates for details on how to prepare an integration project as a process template for inclusion at Jitterbit Marketplace.