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Connector SDK troubleshooting


This page provides tips and suggestions for troubleshooting issues using the Jitterbit Connector SDK. See the Known issues page for additional information.

Q: I've registered my connector, edited the manifest file, and built the connector; yet I don't see it showing up in the agent's log file as being loaded. What could be wrong?

A: If you don't see the connector being loaded, or see an error message in the log, check that the build worked correctly. Unpack the JAR file that was created and check the MANIFEST.MF file inside, check that the files are all present, and that the content of the manifest matches what you intended. If you are running on Windows OS, there is a known issue with building JAR files where the last entry of a manifest is ignored if it there isn't a trailing carriage return/linefeed as the last entry. If, when you open the file in a text editor, you don't see a blank line at the end, add one and try rebuilding and restarting your agent.

Check that the registration of the connector has been performed correctly by using the registration API to retreive the registered connectors for the organization that you are using. The name that the connector is registered under must be the same as the name used in the JSON file describing the Integration Studio UI and in the Java source files. Check both the agent and Tomcat server logs for messages indicating that the connector has been seen and registered correctly.

Q: My connector is not showing up in the Integration Studio UI. What could be wrong?

A: Check these points:

  • Check that the connector's UI file (by default, adapter.json) is valid JSON; the agent will report errors in the log if there are any issues.
  • Check in the agent logs that the connector has been registered with Harmony; the logs should list the information provided in the MANIFEST.MF file, including the registered connector name, author, connector key, endpoint entity type ID, and activity IDs.
  • Use this Postman collection to see which adapters (connectors) Harmony is returning.
  • Check that the registration of the connector has been performed correctly by using the registration API to retreive the registered connectors for the organization that you are using.
  • The name that the connector is registered under must be the same as the name used in the JSON file describing the Integration Studio UI and in the Java source files. Check both the agent and Tomcat server logs for messages indicating that the connector has been seen and registered correctly.
  • Occasionally, you may need to increment the version in the MANIFEST.MF of the connector, rebuild, and then redeploy for changes to propagate.
  • If using a Windows private agent, try restarting the agent.

Q: Where are the log files that I should look at to debug connector issues?

A: The log files are those for the Tomcat server of the Jitterbit agent. They are located in a directory of the Jitterbit agent:


On Windows OS, the log is called catalina.<date_stamp>.out; on Linux OS (and the Docker agent), the current log file is called catalina.out and as it gets larger it is rolled over to catalina.<date_stamp>.out.

Q: When attempting to run operations with my connector, they return with a self-referential type cast error in the operation logs. How can I fix this?

A: If the type cast error looks similar to Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.jitterbit.connector.connectorName.ConnectorNameConnection cannot be cast to org.jitterbit.connector.connectorName.ConnectorNameConnection, follow this procedure:

  • Stop the agent.
  • Remove the connector JAR file from the agent's connectors directory.
  • Restart the agent.
  • Add the connector JAR file again.